Jacky Ley (France)

Jacky Ley is a freelance photographer living near Paris, specializing in motorsports.

He began his career in reportages around performing arts, covering events for the press magazine (Le Monde, Télérama, Liberation...).

In 2004, Jacky decided to diversify his works and turned his mind toward one of his other passions: the motorbike sport. In 2007 he fully dedicated his time to motorsports, i.e. cars and motorcycles.

Today Jacky produces reportages for the dedicated press as “Moto-Journal”, “Automobile magazine” and “Argus”. He also shoots for manufacturers and designers. He is also integrated to the staff of the “Good-Shoot agency” that works for the International Federation (FIM).

For my works and my reportages, I often drive a motorcycle or I travel by regular flight. I always sought about a solution to lighten my backpack and earn place for cabin baggage.

And then, I discovered the Fujifilm XE-1... Amazed by the image quality, it quickly found its place in my bag. The X-T1 launch exceeded my expectations for my photographic practice with its continuous autofocus and its continuous shooting at 8 frames / sec. But it’s not only the technical characteristics that attract me: its design creates interactions with people you want to photograph…and I do not want to forget the clear pleasure of using a beautiful object.

Its electronic viewfinder is very comfortable. Today, it brings me such a working comfort that it's impossible for me work without.

With the XF10-24 or XF55-200mm, the XT-1 allows me to cover most of my reportages.

And more, the Fujifilm X system is evolving. A 50-140/2.8 lens is announced but also a Super telephoto zoom that will allow me to completely switch to this compact camera system and to definitely forget the heavy and bulky DSLR system.

Jacky Ley (France)Speed and Dexterity
Jacky Ley (France)
Speed and Dexterity
Jacky Ley (France)Gallery 02
Jacky Ley (France)
Gallery 02
Jacky Ley (France)Gallery 01
Jacky Ley (France)
Gallery 01